Investment Options
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Brief description of Investment options:

Fixed Deposits
Fixed Deposits or FD are commonly used investment options in India and carries a fixed rate of interest. The term ranges from 6 months to 10 years or so. It is used to fulfil short, medium and long term financial goals. The interest earned on FD is taxable.
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RBI Floating Rate Savings Bonds
These bonds are from Government of India. It’s a risk free investment with sovereign guarantee. The interest is paid half-yearly in January and July every year and is taxable. The tenure is of 7 years. Premature withdrawal is allowed for senior citizens.
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Mutual funds
Mutual funds are basically pool of fund by many investors to collectively invest in stocks, bonds, money market instruments and other assets. There are many types of mutual funds structured as per investment objective of investor. Mutual funds give individuals access to professionally managed portfolios equities, bonds and other securities. These are managed by professional Fund Managers.
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Index Funds
An index fund is a type of mutual fund or exchange traded fund with a portfolio constructed in such a way to track the financial market index. It has low operating expenses and low portfolio turnover. These funds are managed passively by the fund managers. The portfolio of index funds only changes substantially when their benchmark indexes change.
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Perpetual Bonds
A perpetual bond is a bond with no maturity date and it pays interest forever till the company is in business. It sounds good that the issuer pays interest forever, but it has some risks along with the rewards.
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Corporate Bonds
A corporate bond is a type of debt security issued by the companies to the investors for a fixed tenure on fixed or variable rate of interest. At the time of maturity of bond the payment of interest ceases and the original investment is returned to the investor. These are issued by the company in order to raise capital and sometimes are also actively traded in the secondary market.
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Government Bonds
The Government Bonds are fixed income securities and as they are backed by Government so are the safest investment option. They carry the fixed rate of interest and are of different tenures. These are generally issued to support public spending and the amount invested is returned at the time of maturity.
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Non-convertible Debentures
The Non-convertible Debentures (NCD) are the debentures which cannot be converted into shares or equities. They carry the fixed rate of interest depending on the company. They are issued by the companies to raise long term funds through a public issue. NCDs offer a benefit to owner of high liquidity through stock market listing.
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Corporate Bonds
A corporate bond is a type of debt security issued by the companies to the investors for a fixed tenure on fixed or variable rate of interest. At the time of maturity of bond the payment of interest ceases and the original investment is returned to the investor. These are issued by the company in order to raise capital and sometimes are also actively traded in the secondary market.